This is Halloween…

Boys and girls of every age… Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Written as: Ariel Triton

Halloween was never something which existed in the ocean. They often didn’t follow surface traditions. Christmas, Halloween, none of it existed. When she was younger she hadn’t cared much, but as she reached those curious teenage years, her love for the surface grew stronger with each shipwreck. 

The first spooky themed decoration she had ever come across, was a pumpkin which had been thrown into the ocean, the designs cut into the orange skin, sharp teeth and a menacing gaze, it had spooked the mermaid at first, but as she continued to observe the odd design she found ti to be…Endearing. She noticed that they only seemed to appear at a certain time of year, too. Around the colder months, when the surface would turn brown and rot. That was when they seemed to start showing up. Such an odd tradition from the world above her. Yet one she found oh so interesting, making her love the surface that much more. 

Then, her first year on land was when she truly got to appreciate the beauty of the spooky season. Some people called it fall, other’s called it autumn. Many seemed to call the holiday associated with it Halloween, but she noticed that some people allied it all with Halloween, or even Samhain. She didn’t understand the differences between the words, but she could see that they all seemed to do the same thing, around the same time.

At the end of October, when the chill in the air started to blow in from the north, before Winter would land over the surface painting the ground white with half frozen water. The leaves would drop from the trees in a beautiful copper spectrum that would decorate the ground in pops of golden caramel hues. People would dress up in the most beautiful outfits, appreciating the other creatures which walked the earth. Witches, warlocks, she had even seen a few little girls and boys dress up as mermaids. Oh, it made her heart flutter. Then, they would knock on doors and ask for candy! Adults would throw parties in honor of the very creatures her father insisted they hated. They drank and acted merry. Oh, it made her feel so special, so amazing.

So, naturally the next year she had to throw her own celebration- dressing her own small cottage up with beautiful decorations she and her friends had made, pumpkins decorated her tables and candles hanging from the ceiling, fake of course. She had created her own outfit; sewing it together herself with gadgets and gizmos she found laying around. A beautiful fairy outfit with wings that matched the colours of the season. 

Offering candy to all the children of the town, she sang and danced through the village, allowing herself to truly enjoy the festivities of the season. Many turned up to her cottage who she had never met, but all were welcome on the evening of the supernatural. She played the music the surface dwellers enjoyed, she made sure to have enough drink and food to feed an army. And then, she simply enjoyed her first proper Halloween. And, she realized at that moment, she never wanted to go back to the ocean. She would prefer a life of mortality on the surface, than an immortal life away from such festivities like Halloween.




Being evil has a price